“NEK” is safe, Economical, high quality.
Our own production is based on these principles.
The main idea of the technology “NEC” is to make the construction of prefabricated houses is simple and affordable. The RELIABILITY, EFFICIENCY and QUALITY must be at the highest level.
Technology “NEC” allows up to 4 times speed up the construction of the house, to refuse expensive lifting mechanisms, and most importantly, all this can do 2-4 people of almost any skill, they just need to know how to use a screwdriver and conventional tools.
When the prefabricated construction of houses by technology “NEC” uses lightweight construction panels “NEC” own manufacture, consisting of steel, galvanised steel profiles with a thickness from 1.0 mm to 2.0 mm., the space between which is filled with several layers of basalt insulation with density of 80 — 90 kg/m3 and one layer of expanded polystyrene foam with an average density of 25 kg/m3. “NEC” is self-supporting and their installation width of 0.5 m. due to step mounted between metal profiles, panels “NEK”, which form a kind of support (metal frame) which can withstand the load. Panel height 2.5 m or 2.8 m, and the thickness varies from 100 mm to 250 mm depending on the climate in the region.
Note: At the moment we are working on improving the panel, in particular will be improved galvanized profile, which will make construction panel “NEK” is significantly more reliable and better. We do everything for, ensure that you have confidence in Reliability, Efficiency, Quality panels “NEK”
“NEK” — Reliability:
• Durability more than 100 years
• High resistance (1 meter wall panels “NEK” with the profile thickness 1.0 mm. withstands up to 3.4 ton load)
• Pozharobezopastnosti
• Perfect insulation — exceeds SNiP on a heat loss
• Biostability
• Environmentally friendly 100%
• Panel “NEC” do not absorb and retain moisture
• Excellent noise isolation from outside noise and inside komnata through interior partitions “NEK”
“NEC” is cost-effective:
• 2-4 persons able to work with screwdriver and other common tools, you can build a house that saves you the cost of installation work
• Light weight panels “NEC” (30-37 kg) eliminates expensive Foundation, which in turn reduces material costs of the Foundation and work.
• The lightness of the panels eliminates the need for loading and unloading specials. technology. Unloading by hand.
• The housing complex is delivered to one machine, which saves the cost of shipping a set of.
• Low heating costs are achieved due to the high thermal resistance of external walls exceeding SNiP on the heat loss.
• All of the above reduces the cost of building a house.
“NEC” is the Quality:
• Initially, you get a factory quality product in manufactured using only the best materials: high quality galvanized steel, basalt insulation average density of 80-90 kg/m3, polystyrene PSB density 25 kg/m3, which added flame retardants flame retardant + supplements from rodents.
The house is built of panels and lined with facing bricks.
Benefits of construction technology “NEC”
By combining the best properties of insulation and load bearing capacity of the metal framework, building on technology “NEC” is one of the most favorable options for construction for the future owner. It gets favorable, and in the construction and operation of the building panels “NEC”.
Lightweight wall material
Due to the lightweight construction of the walls, it is possible to use light Foundation, and this, in turn, reduces its cost:
*screw piles
*pile or pile-supported Foundation
*laying of strip Foundation
Cost is not the only plus of foundations, in the case of pile foundations the possibility appears quite low (and in some cases it is the only opportunity) to resolve the issue with the Foundation on a plot with complex topography and (or) complex
Construction without heavy equipment
The lightweight design eliminates the need for lifting equipment during the construction phase of the walls. Floors also can be mounted forces of 2-3 people, which also reduces the cost of construction. This is especially good in cases when there is no possibility of the entrance of the technology on site due to the lack of access roads or unstable soils (e.g. in the offseason).
Savings in logistics (delivering and unloading)
Wall of a housing complex can be delivered to the site one machine rather than several, for example, with heavy bricks, foam concrete blocks. To unload you in hand without the use of cranes or manipulators, the weight of the system is about 32 kg.